This is the second time this week I’ve had to remove a post from It appears to be a new social referral type network. Except that this network asks you to interface with your Facebook account. Once you allow this app permission within your Facebook, it sends out spam messages to all your friends.

This particular feature of this social network has been slammed by bloggers, tweeters and Facebook pages. The company has addressed several of those blogs and said it would correct this spamming feature. I still however receive these spam type messages.
     But I won’t anymore.

How to Block Applications

As with any application that you do not wish to allow your friends to publish to your wall, you can block that application. You simply find a wall post from the application you wish to block. If you hover to the right of that post, you will see an X.

When you click the X, you will be given an option to remove the post, block the application, or block the user. If you simply remove the post, the next time someone posts one of these spam posts, you will have to remove it again. If however you choose to block the application, that application will no longer be able to post on your wall.

A Newer Threat

I have also received a notification from an unknown person that I was made administrator on a fan page. The latest one was for “apple ipad2 test and keep.” The previous one was for “Ipad 2 research”

If you receive notifications from an unknown person, do not click the notification. If you try to click the name of the person to see who they are it will only take you to that page where you are not an administrator. Once you’re there pop-ups begin, and your computer may very well may be infected. Change your password. Run a virus scan.
There’s not much out about this new notification spam.

As Facebook adds more vigilant ways to block spam and Facebook hacks, the creators of these annoyances will continue to be more creative.

Be careful and be alert.

My dear Twitter friend and fellow social media entrepreneur, speaker, and consultant, Chris Husong is participating in the Audi twitter contest. If he win’s he will be awarded $25,000 to a charity on his behalf.


You can read more about this contest at Mashable.

I would love to see my friend win this contest. If we are friends, even if we are not, can you please help him out?


You can help Chris get the money for his cause in 3 ways:

1. Re-tweet his tweets,  with the #oldwatch and #progressIs hashtags.

2.View this TwitPic: (additional points if people comment on the pic with the #oldwatch and #progressIs hashtags. )

3. Write you own blog about this contest.



Why would you want to do this?

  • Because I am asking you as my friend to help a fellow friend.
  • Because this is a great cause.
  • Because this is a a fun and interesting way for a brand to get people talking, and to do so for social good.
  • Because I said please.

Thank you!

We are privileged to live in a community that utilizes twitter to inform residents about weather conditions, and Traffic/Road conditions.

Even if you are not a twitter user you can find this

real time information and use it.

1. Go to

2. Type in the search bar #tristateWx or #tristateRoads (or click the links<–)

3. receive updates on the weather or roads as they happen.

If you are a twitter user:

1.Please use the #tristateWX and #tristateRoads hastags if you are tweeting about these topics.

2. Report the weather and road conditions in your area.

3. Tell us where you are (noth side, east side, by XYZ school…)

4. send pics

Thanks to all the news channels and citizen journalist who already use these hashtags.



Almost isn’t good enough by Wayne Elsey.


Branding Yourself by Erik Deckers and Kyle Lacy.


UnMarketing: Stop Marketing. Start Engaging. by Scott Stratten


Crush It!: Why NOW Is the Time to Cash In on Your Passion  By Gary Vaynerchuk


The Thank You Economy By Gary Vaynerchuk

Fine Print: These are in no particular order. I have not received any money for my endorsements. I did receive my copy of Branding Yourself for free because I hassled Erik to death about it:) The Links are to my affiliate Amazon account.

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